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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Performance comparison of recursive algorithms for adaptive antenna arrays
рекурсивный алгоритм наименьших квадратов
рекурсивный алгоритм постоянного модуля
адаптивная антенная система
V.G. Markin
Adaptive recursive least square (RLS) and constant modulus (CMA) algorithms are compared in the paper. The algorithms are evaluated in a simulated array of six equidistant antenna elements. Simulation results have been obtained for an FM-signal and two interference sources, which are represented by AM and FM waves with different modulation properties. RLS algorithm shows considerably faster convergence in comparison with CMA. However this is achieved with a duplicate of a source signal at the receiver whereas CMA requires the information about the constant signal envelope.
Pages: 76-78
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