350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Potential accuracy of estimation of directions of arrival amplitudes of intensity of electric field of flat monochromic radio-waves a multichannel radio direction finder with antenna system of an arbitrary configuration
multiple radio direction finder
complex amplitude
density of field
radio wave
error variance
Cramer-Rao border
M.L. Artemov, O.V. Afanasyev, I.S. Dmitriev, V.V. Popov, M.P. Slichenko
Analytical forms for the bottom boundary line of an inequality of Kramer-Rao for matrixes of correlation of errors of a sizing up of directions of arrival and amplitudes of intensity of electric field of flat monochromatic radio waves are in-process gained. The sizing up special case intensity electric field, and also azimuths and an angle of elevation of arrival of two flat electromagnetic waves by multichannel radio direction finder with a ring array is observed.
Agency of magnitudes of an angular spacing of directions on sources of radio-frequency radiations on accuracy of estimations of directions of arrival of radio waves is analysed. The gained analytical forms are fair for any structure of a matrix of correlation an additive gaussian noise.
It is shown that with growth of magnitude of the relation of radius of a ring array to length of a radio wave the minimum azimuthal spacing of the taken the bearings sources of radio-frequency radiation providing set potential accuracy of direction finding, decreases.
Dependence of accuracy of a sizing up of parametres of simultaneously coming waves on their angular spacing, the aperture of an array and quantity of antennas in it, and also from properties noises circumstances, noise defined by a correlation matrix on exits of antenna system is revealed.
Pages: 69-75
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