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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
To the question of modelling self-organized control system of critical appendix
A.N. Asoskov, I.N. Malysheva, Y.А. Plakhotnyuk
Recently to synthesis of control systems by complex dynamic objects of the various nature possessing properties of self-organizing the sufficient attention is paid. Thereof the amount of works on these subjects constantly increases. However the basic groups of methods of synthesis which unite the description of process of functioning complex control systems with its hardware-software realization, were not generated yet. Therefore the formalized procedure of designing highly effective self-organized control systems which would provide simple enough realization of the approached model and at the same time precisely transferred characteristic properties of the whole object or its separate element at each level of designing represents considerable interest.
The technique offered by authors is based on theoretical game model of data presentation and rules and consists in the description of interaction of agents to which the actions chosen on the basis of their own structures of knowledge - hierarchies of representations about significant parameters of a situation are ordered. A result of the made description is the forecast of a necessary outcome of game. Observable result is value of criterion function of the agent. Also the general scheme of synthesis of system of information management with use of logic of a reflective method is analyzed.
The diagram of a control system on the basis of the PID-regulator which provides the multipurpose monitoring system of a condition of object of the management is offered and allows to provide adaptability of system by reorganization the software. It is possible to create various configurations with the most adequate possibilities of influence on dynamics of process using reflective methods. It is possible to avoid undesirable «branching» of dynamic processes and to create desirable structure if to operate the initial data and to choose the types of orderliness supposed by system.
Thus technological means of system engineering the managements based on reflective representation give the chance to receive the decision of a problem of synthesis of criterion function and also authentically reflect actions on realization of a game technique of influence on the competitive environment.
Pages: 49-53
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