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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Complex anti-interference ability evaluation of adaptive multiparameter information transmission system
Y.B. Nechaev, O.A. Plaksenko
In article the system analysis of influence of various parameters of an information transfer on efficiency of functioning of a communication system in the conditions of impact of a various kind of hindrances is presented. For a basis was the multiple parameter adaptive system of an information transfer described in [2] is taken. As problems which were required to be solved at decomposition of the given problem, it was necessary: to reveal interrelation of a variation of adapted parameters and criteria of efficiency of functioning of system of an information transfer; to classify all existing interference influences and to establish those from them which influence on considered system probably to regulate by means of a variation of the parametres which are subject to adaptation; to consider influence of various types of the hindrances, considered in the previous point, on work of offered system. For an estimation of an overall performance of system as criteria speed of an information transfer and average probability of a bit error on reception have been chosen. Also property of hiding of transfer in aspect of application as a communication system of a special purpose and its application in the conditions of the radio-electronic conflict was considered. Parameters, which are subject to a variation in considered system: intensity of an information transfer, redundancy of noise proof coding, capacity of a radiated signal, the size of ensemble of frequencies used for transfer with the account of an exception amazed with a hindrance. As the additional measures raising noise immunity of system, application of expansion of a spectrum of a signal by means of imposing of pseudo-casual sequence on a useful digital signal, use of pseudo-casual reorganization of working frequency is provided. Property of noise immunity of system is considered as set of a noise stability, power, structural, information, spatial, time hiding. The interrelation of criteria of an overall performance of system among themselves and their dependence on the listed parameters of transfer in the form of analytical parities is analyzed. Classification of existing types of interference influences is carried out. The mathematical model of influence broadband, narrow-band, pseudo-noise and hindrances regarding a strip in case of a stationary hindrance, and also a pulse hindrance, as most widespread types of the interfering influences applied by the contradictory party during the radio-electronic conflict is presented. Perspective directions of development of the approach of multiple parameter adaptation for deeper universalization communication systems for the purpose of application in the conditions of varying hindrance conditions are listed.
Pages: 4-10
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