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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Assess the possibility of semi-passive detection of different objects on a remote protected boundary
V.A. Ivanov, I.N. Krykov, A.B. Barsukov
In order to monitor remote borders (areas) are encouraged to use the electromagnetic oscillations of base stations of mobile networks. The general principles of the estimate radar potentially achievable detection range of people and equipment in the open (rough) terrain and urban conditions. Found that the secondary radiation from different objects can be detected at distances of 100-300 m, with the protected boundary can be located at a distance of 3-5 km from the base station. The calculations were performed for a typical receiver with omni-directional antenna and with low-directional. The structural scheme of the semi-passive detector echoes. Results can be used when setting targets for research work on the detection and recognition of signals reflected from objects.
Pages: 110-112
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