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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Simulation of a Direct Signal of Radio-Wave Detectors with a Buried Antenna
buried antennas
approximate analysis methods
approximation errors
signal properties within changes in ground parameters
N.N. Tokarev
Simulation of signals generated by a radio-wave detector (RWD) with buried antennas is topical to estimate its obtainable characteristics in case of changes of ground state (unmoistened - poachy - wet) and its electrical parameters. Approximation formulas based on assumptions true within certain frequency bands, distances and environment parameters are used for engineering analyses of fields and signals generated by buried antennas. In the report based on approximation error analysis one of them, the most preferred in the author\'s opinion, is chosen for engineering simulation of signals generated by RWD because it provides the least error in frequency bands and distances used in practice in case of unmoistened ground.
Using chosen approximation the vertical and radial components of filed, their frequency dependences, directional diagrams of buried antennas in the form of a dipole antenna, signals in receiving antenna are calculated. Spatial dependence of the vertical component of the field in the azimuth and vertical planes is topical in case of simulation of signals generated by an intruder. Radial component of field on the ground is used to calculate amplitude, spectral and time characteristics of signal in the receiving antenna.
Using dependences of resonant and optimum (to the maximum of gain) lengths of antenna on the frequency and parameters of ground the frequency band of a probing signal is optimized. Characteristics of a received signal within real parameters of the ground are calculated for a model of a probing signal in the form of RF pulse with Gaussian envelope.
Results of calculations are compared with experimental data which showed satisfactory correspondence.
Pages: 98-102
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