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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Method of geoinformation modelling of controllable territory
A.Ya. Ryabets, A.O. Kuzmenko
For today in interests of security monitoring of district two types of geoinformation models are used: vector and matrix. Matrix models have a number of lacks: considerable volumes of matrix data, the high redundancy, insufficient accuracy, etc.
Authors have developed geoinformation model of frontier territory, free from the majority of lacks of matrix model and possessing sufficient detailed elaboration. The model is constructed by a vektorno-topological principle and has a number of basic differences from known models.
Methodological basis of a method of geoinformation modelling is the behavioural analysis of actions of infringers in frontier territory and their conventional attitudes to spatial orderliness of objects. On the basis of spatial orderliness of objects the modelled site of district shares on ranges. Maintenance of revealing of dangerous existential situations is realised on the basis of moving of objects of monitoring between ranges.
Pages: 68-71
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