350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive algorithm of joint detection and direction finding of a flat monochromatic radio wave by multichannel multiscale not inphase radio direction finder
multiple radio direction finder
complex amplitude
density of field
radio wave
error variance
Rao border
Ye.S. Solomko - Project Engineer of the Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie» (PC «Concern «Sozvezdie»), Voronezh
Paper is devoted synthesis of maximum likelyhood algorithm of joint detection and direction finding of a flat monochromatic radio wave by direction finders in the conditions of aprioristic indeterminate form of a relative intensity of a Gaussian noise. The adaptive solving rule of detection and direction finding is gained in the assumption mutual not inphase direction finder receivers by a method of a maximisation of function of the relation of likelyhood of the observable data on a priori unknown parametres of circumstances. In the capacity of last are observed intensity of noise пеленгаторных receivers and complex amplitudes of stress level of electric field of a taken the bearings radio wave. Estimations of stress level of a field and a direction of arrival of a radio wave which in gaussian approach are not displaced and asymptotic effective are found. Analytical forms for parametres of efficiency of algorithm with reference to multiscale direction finding system are gained and is shown that dispersions of estimations attain Kramer-Rao boundary line. The synthesised rule of detection allows to choose adaptive on unknown noise level a threshold of the detection stabilising probability of an error of the first sort. The direction finding landform and structure of a solving rule of the synthesised adaptive algorithm are fair for direction finders arrays of any configuration.
Pages: 129-135
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