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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Application of the algorithm optimal design constructions electronic equipment at the final stage configuration
A.V. Maltsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University
M.A. Romashchenko - Head of Scientific and Technical Board, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie»
For optimal design of constructions electronic equipment at the final stage configuration from the point of view maintenance of requirements EMC and noise immunity proposed the following method: Step 1 - identification of the structural parameters; Step 2 - Pre-priori screening not influencing parameters; Step 3 - define the experimental area; Step 4 - encoding variable parameters; Step 5 - create a design model in the CAE program; Step 6 - building objective function; Step 7 - setting screening experiment; Step 8 - the number of remaining options allows you to put the full factorial experiment?; Step 9 - statement of the full factorial experiment or fractional factorial experiment; Step 10 - the construction of the response surface; Step 11 - finding the optimum method of a steep ascent. To assess the practical applicability and effectiveness was conducted research on the optimal design of mobile radio SW-band operating in the range of 1.5 - 30 MHz. Was developed a 3D model being optimized radio station. The aim of optimization was finding optimal internal layout of printed circuit boards, as well as the location of the holes on the front panel. To achieve the objectives at each stage were solved certain problems in accordance with the methodology. Optimization was performed taking into account that in the previous stages of product development has taken account of the recommendations to ensure the requirements of the EMC and noise immunity. As a result of optimization was found that the values of the parameters chosen for the 9-th experiment provided the best value of the objective function and were selected as optimal. Values not influencing parameters were selected with consideration of the security of other requirements (ergonomics, serviceability, maintainability).
Pages: 77-80

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