350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Increase in the selectivity of the receiver on the side-channels in software-defined radios
V.А. Makovij - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior research scientist, The chief of scientific and technical department, JSC - Concern "Sozvezdie". E-mail: Makovij@mail.ru
S.А. Shkurov - The chief of laboratory, JSC - Concern "Sozvezdie". E-mail: sshkurov@mail.ru
The way of increasing the selectivity of the receiver on the side-channels, based on use of continuously variable sampling rate is considered. The original method of choosing the sampling rate for an arbitrary input signal frequency is offered. The theorem of the minimum distance on frequency between the main and side channels of receiving in the analog-digital path with sampling on a radio frequency is formulated and proved. Analytical expressions for calculation of side channels central frequencies are obtained. The algorithm for calculating frequency mode of the radios, based on the offered method, which provides the maximum possible frequency separation of side channels of receiving is developed.
Pages: 66-75

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