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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Analysis algorithm of printed-circuit boards on mechanical durability
O.Yu. Makarov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs ofthe Voronezh state technical university
V.P. Titov - Head of scientific and technical board, JSC «Sozvezdie» Concern»
A.V. Turetsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, designing and manufacture radio equipment chairs of the Voronezh state technical university
One of the main bearing designs of modules of radio-electronic means is the printed-circuit board providing mechanical and electric connection of electronic components. In modern devices of a payment, as a rule, the multilayered. The multilayered printed-circuit board represents quite difficult design consisting of a large number of separate elements, connected among themselves, containing also built-in resistors and condensers. This hi-tech product, allowing to provide the high density of packing of components is frequent. However such PCB also possess also the shortcomings one of which are low maintainability and big susceptibility to mechanical loadings. As in a payment there is a set of the metallized openings connected among themselves, at mechanical deformations or temperature influences any of them out of operation (contact loss) leads an exit to loss of operability of all payment and, therefore, and devices. At creation of the radio-electronic device a prototype at final design stages surely put on large-scale trials for climatic and mechanical influences. The revealed defects eliminate that demands sometimes serious processing of a design. More expediently in advance, at a design stage methods of computer modeling to carry out the analysis of printed-circuit boards on mechanical influences. Then the number of completions can be reduced significantly. In this work the algorithm of the complex analysis of mechanical characteristics of printed-circuit boards as a part of the radio-electronic modules, considering limit values of vibrations, blows, static loadings of printed-circuit boards with various quantities of layers is offered. In this algorithm it is supposed to use laboratory testing of samples of printed-circuit boards with various quantity of layers by a technique of IPC-TM-650 providing control of the sizes, and also a complex from mechanical, electric tests. Besides, thermocycling can be applied to acceleration of tests. The offered technique can accelerate process of completion of developed products considerably. So first, thanks to system application of CAE using FEM for modeling of mechanical influences, and secondly, to existence of constantly filled up database according to mechanical characteristics of various designs of printed-circuit boards.
Pages: 62-65

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