350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Potential accuracy of estimation of a local relief research by interferometric SAR aircraft in along track review
A.I. Baskakov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Head Department of Radiodevices, National Research University "MPEI" IRE RTF. E-mail: ShimkinPY@gmail.com
P.E. Shimkin - master, National Research University "MPEI" IRE RTF. E-mail: BaskakovAI@mpei.ru
Currently, there is a problem of surface facility position determination, which is caused by inexact information about relief in the area of mapping. In observation lot of ground for relative relief of the area dimension using a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) it is necessary to take a signal to spatial straddling aerial on the carrier-s side (or on carriers - sides), which has been reflected from each resolution cell, and process them together coherently in the sequel. It allows us to add a third dimension (height) to two-dimensional radar images (RI). Potentiality of estimating relief of the underlying terrain by aircraft interferometric SAR at the along track review has been investigated in this research. Namely it is survey by single-station SAR on telescopic vision mode by rectilinear trajectory of carrier, at which an interfero¬metric synthesized are formed. Factors affecting at accuracy characteristics of the along track aircraft SAR interferometer have been researched. Dependences of potential accuracy on various technical parameters of interferometric survey organization have been obtained. As a result of this research has been revealed specific radar interferometric sensing, allowing minimizing estimation error of local relief.
Pages: 71-74


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