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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Choice of options for analog prototype in the graph structure of partial orders and -layers
multicriteria choice selection analogs
graph of the partial order
the factor set of clones
Yu.V. Kandyrin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor RPU NRU MPEI, Deputy Director at the Center for Engineering Design NRU MPEI. E-mail: ywk@mail.ru
Е.Е. Zinchenko - Master's degree, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ktyznch@gmail.com
М.Е. Kononov - Master's degree, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: kme.vim@gmail.com
Е.Е. Zinchenko - Master's degree, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ktyznch@gmail.com
М.Е. Kononov - Master's degree, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: kme.vim@gmail.com
The problem of selection analogues according to the prototype for components of radio electronic systems is considered in this article. Such problems appears during repairing of technical objects with replacements of components, we can also include here the selection analogues according to the prototype during conceptual designing of new products and many others problems. The choice of data model for describing the initial sets of options and selection algorithm is important aspect of automation solving problems mentioned above. We propose two approaches to solve them in the present article. The first approach is based on the fact that we assume that the most appropriate analogs are in the same Pareto layer with prototype. Hence the need for a priori Pareto bundle of the original set and then search for rational counterparts in -layer prototype. The second approach is based on the description of many possible options by transitive digraph. It is proposed to use an associative array factor sets of alternatives as data model, describing strongly transitive graph partial order, and as the search algorithm to apply the next vertex in the graph partial order (Hasse diagram). With this approach, the main unsolved problem is the transition from a non-transitive graph strongly transitive in which the outgoing arcs of the prototype and will point to the desired analogues.
The problem of replacing the faulty structural components of radio electronic systems by the closest to the analog's parameters using the search procedure of direct links to the prototype non-transitive graph partial order on the - criterion is theoretically proved and solved in this article. The described device , the algorithm of structuring and the choice of optimal bitmap counterparts in the repair radio electronic systems in CAD is new, it is based on the procedures for crossing the factor sets of alternatives in the surrounding area of associative models (AM) data. It is based on the formation of the transition procedures from highly transitive graph to non-transitive in the AM to identify the elements that are non-transitive arcs with this prototype. In general, the proposed approach and the developed algorithm is certainly new.
Pages: 23-28
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