350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Multichannel processing of signals of electrode leads for reconstruction of the heart electric generator
multichannel processing
electric activity of heart
two-dipolar model
dipole moment
D.V. Filonov - Post-graduate student, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: filon01@yandex.ru
E. Afshar - Post-graduate student, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ehafshar@gmail.com
M.N. Kramm - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate Professor, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: KrammMN@mail.ru
G.V. Zhikhareva - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate Professor, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ZhikharevaGV@mpei.ru
E. Afshar - Post-graduate student, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ehafshar@gmail.com
M.N. Kramm - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate Professor, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: KrammMN@mail.ru
G.V. Zhikhareva - Ph.D. (Eng.), associate Professor, department Radio Engineering Fundamentals, National Research University "MPEI". E-mail: ZhikharevaGV@mpei.ru
Algorithms of multichannel processing of signals of electrode leads for reconstruction of the spatial-temporal characteristics of the electric generator (EG) of heart in electrocardiography problems are discussed. We use multichannel records of signals registered from a surface of a thorax by means of electrodes with known coordinates. As a result of processing the EG parameters - coordinates, orientation and power of sources of dipolar type, are defined.
We suggest the algorithm of rejection of the atypical cardiocycles (CC) for carrying out synchronous accumulation of CCs, which is based on the cross-correlation analysis of ССs in leads, with the subsequent application of threshold decisions. Such rejection is important, in particular, for separation of low-amplitude high-frequency components to the EG dynamics, and also for separation and the analysis of extrasystoles.
We suggest the asymmetrical two-dipolar model of the electric generator, focused on the analysis of electric activity of heart ventricles separately. Coefficients of asymmetry, used in model, allow us to receive the dipoles being at different distance from the electric center of heart both differing in power and orientation of the moment. Thus more powerful dipole corresponds to the left heart ventricle, and less powerful - to the right ventricle. The iterative algorithm of reconstruction of the two-dipolar EG, based on optimizing search by a least-square method, is presented.
By results of reconstruction, partial cardiosignals from separate ventricles for all used electrode leads can be calculated. We present typical results of the EG temporal dynamics, based on multichannel processing of real cardiosignals, taking into account the rejection of atypical CCs.
The presented algorithms allow to analyze electric activity of heart ventricles separately, and, also allow to estimate movement of excitement processes and to find a contribution of ventricles to registered electrocardiosignals.
Pages: 15-20
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