350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Microwave radiometr with triple reference modulation
A.M. Shutko, E.P. Novichikhin, V.A. Plushchev, I.A. Sidorov, A.D. Reshchikov, A.P.Soldatenko
L-band microwave radiometr with continuous triple reference calibration produced by VEGA Corp. and IRE RAS specialists is describing. The advantages of triple reference calibration scheme in comparison with double reference calibration are shown. The solid state cold noise source possibility of using as a reference point for continuous internal microwave radiometr calibration. The accuracy of the brightness temperatures measurements by triple reference microwave radiometr is estimated. The triple reference radiometric data processing using digital methods advantages are regarded. The possibility of new system usage for earth surface remote sensing is estimated.
Pages: 120-122
- A.s. №1734468.
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