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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The design features of the active video pulse scanning antenna arrays
active transmit-receive ultra-wideband video pulse scanning antenna array
analog electronic and optoelectronic beam control system
digital and ultra-wideband multi-bit controlled device of discrete delays
Yu.B. Gurfinkel, A.P. Kurochkin, A.G. Ostrovsky, E.V. Urzhumtsev
The block diagrams of the beam control system (BCS) of the active receiving, transmitting and transmit-receive ultra-wideband video pulse scanning antenna array (VPSAA) are considered. The experimental results for the VPSAA are presented. The basic elements of BCS of the transmitting VPSAA are pulse driver generator, splitter, devices of discrete delays and programmable control device.
The basic elements of receiving digital BCS are analog-digital converter in every channel of the array and digital processing device; and of analog BCS - device of discrete delays (DDD) in every channel delaying the received signal by a required value; combiner of signals of VPSAA channels, and programmable control device providing the setting of the required delay values in channels and their delivery to DDD. Analog DDD can be electronic and optoelectronic. The optoelectronic BCS includes also the transmitting optoelectronic module in every array channel converting the signal from radio frequency range into optical range, optical combiner and receiving optoelectronic module performing the inverse signal conversion by frequency.
Pages: 89-96
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