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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Perspectives for the development of radar systems for air traffic control
Radar air traffic control
active phased arrays
long coherent integration of the reflected signals
A.R. Ilchuk, A.V. Krishtopov, A.A. Romanenkov, B.G. Tatarsky
At present, in Russia and other countries, especially the CIS countries, Aeronautical companies use a great number of old radars, especially L-band (23 cm wavelength). Today, they are obsolete, both physically and mentally. There is the problem of providing them with spare parts due to the termination of the production of many of their member components.
At the same time, analysis оf the principles existing and future radar for various purposes shows that the implementation is characteristic:
the use of the active phased array, including the implementation of the digital receiver antenna arrays;
use of signals with high and average pulse repetition frequency with subsequent Doppler spectral selection echoes and long coherent integration;
implementation of algorithms for processing the reflected signal at both the primary and secondary stage of information processing in a specialized digital computer.
These principles provide high efficiency operation under the supervision of air objects.
Said circumstances have made it necessary to address issues of further improvement and development of radar air traffic control (ATC), which provide more efficient functioning under the supervision of air objects.
The materials of the article discusses the possible variants of air traffic radar with phased antenna array, calculated the characteristics of the antenna system, shows the possible options for its implementation.
Pages: 42-48
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