350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Peculiarity of radar field configuration for onboard pulse-Doppler radar and time of target tracking
D.N. Suzansky
Pulse-Doppler (PD) airborne radars are widely used as on-board radar equipment for combat aircrafts. Pulse-Doppler radars can detect airborne targets against a background of reflections from the ground and work with different types of signals. In particular, pulse-Doppler radars are used in surveillance and tactical sighting system for the front-line aviation and anti-air forces providing ass-aspect and all-weather detection of air targets as well as measurements of radar cause peculiarities of the configuration of its radar field (detection zone). For example, the detection zone of a fighter aircraft radar is a sector of a circle, which geometric dimensions (radius and central angle) are defined by transmitter power of the radar as well as the construction of the aircraft-s frame and location of the antenna. In addition, the fighter mobility leads to emergence of a Doppler rejection zones within the detection sector for certain radial velocities. Moreover, the size and location of these zones depend on the velocity and motion parameters of not only the fighter aircraft - the radar carrier - but of the observed airborne object. Thus, the fighter aircraft radar field can be a very irregular area, which contributes to the appearance of breaks in the flow of informaton about the airborne onjects and may reduce target tracking time.
Pages: 97-102
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