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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The method of optimization of procedure of synthesis of trial points of search in space of parameters
N.E. Samojlenko
In modern conditions at the disposal of the design engineer there is a considerable number of effective systems of the automated design of PCAD, ORCAD (Cadence), Protel DXP (Altium), Creo Elements/Pro (PRO/ENGINEER), АСОНИКА, etc., the majority from which the wide set of modern models and enough exact methods of research, including means 3D the modeling provide to the user, the convenient user interface, libraries of elements and a database of projects. At the same time rather seldom the designer sets as the purpose and achieves finding of really optimum design decisions.
As a rule, a quantity quasi-optimum (corresponding to specification requirements) decisions is investigated. It is connected, first of all, with the rigid restrictions imposed for terms of design, and also with complexity of the organization of the directed search of studied versions of the project. Actually these functions are carried out in a semi-automatic mode, demanding essential expenses of time and high qualification of the expert. At the best in an automatic mode band search of values in a line of varied parameters is made.
In this regard actual development of a subsystem of program support of decision-making on the basis of Parameter Space Investigation method (PSI-method) is represented. In a basis of algorithm numerical scanning (sounding) of space of parameters of object of design at which are in most cases used LPτ- sequences though application of trellised or spherical grids is possible also is necessary.
Experience of application of an PSI- method showed that a priori, before direct research of a task, it is almost impossible to make recommendations about a choice of a certain random number generator or quasicasual sequence, proceeding from specifics of a con-sidered problem. Therefore it is represented expedient to use in the course of design some set of procedures of synthesis of trial points. As a base set it is offered to use the LPτ-sequence generator, the standard sensor of pseudo-random numbers, procedure of the cubic and spherical grids modified by application of algorithm of synchronous trajectories.
With a view of reduction of volume of calculations it is offered to use quasiparallel trajectories of search in space of parameters. Thus it is desirable, that the train of the initial points of search included design decisions from various subareas of space of parameters.
Pages: 104-107
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