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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Fazzy logic conclusion in problems of a choice of alternatives
N.E. Samojlenko
Computer-aided design in modern competitive conditions causes need of the qualitative analysis of innovative projects at a stage of predesign study and early design stages. It is connected, first of all, with a choice of the concept of a new product, a choice of a potential sales market, an assessment of resource providing and investment risks, forecasting of competitiveness of the project. The purposes and the tasks put before the specific innovative project, necessary image follow from the alternatives chosen by the enterprise which define limits of implementation of innovative projects, a priority of statement of various design tasks, level of available resources and general characteristics of expected results.
First of all, it is necessary to systematize and formalize essential volume of the diverse information having indistinct character, and to use it in the course of modeling for minimization of uncertainty and the related not comparability. One of effective instruments of re-duction of likelihood, interval, linguistic information to a uniform form is the theory of indistinct sets. Within innovative design she allows to reflect adequately at statement of specific design objectives qualitatively set purposes, vaguely certain values of criteria and restrictions.
The solution of such tasks often is based on subjective knowledge of the designer of regularities of problem area for which there is insufficient an application of technology of expert systems. Expedient use of modern methodology of "soft calculations", and first of all, indistinct systems which allows to solve problems of optimization traditional for CAD and adoption of design decisions in the conditions of incompleteness of design information is represented. Features of problem area make considerable impact on a way of realization. So the accounting of incompleteness of system of preferences of the designer at a choice of optimum option of a design which is hierarchical multicomponent object, demands to use not only solving rules, but also numerical methods of the multicriterial analysis taking into account an illegibility of expert estimates and methods of vector convolution of private criteria of quality. The effective technique of decision-making on a choice of a base product - analog and an assessment of competitiveness of a product at the initial stages of design which allows to make decisions on expediency of carrying out the subsequent labor-consuming procedures of technical and design en-gineering is developed.
Pages: 101-104
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