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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Model forecasting of electromagnetic compatibility based on the method of section the sensitivity plane
M.A. Romashchenko, S.Y. Sizov, A.V. Sudarikov
The traditional approach of forecasting EMC is based on models and techniques which mathematically describe a source of the inter-ferences, the sensitive equipment and their mutual influence. Because of difficult structure and small volume of space the radiated in-terferences generated by other components, can be reflected and dissipate, in that case components-receptors are irradiated with difficult superposition of interferences. On the basis of analytical expressions of distribution of electromagnetic waves, it is difficult to describe model of a source of interferences and its parasitic influence on a receptor of interferences, for the analysis and the further calculation EMC. Thus actual there are methods which allow to use techniques not adhered to such models. In article the model of forecasting EMC which is based a way of section a plane corresponding to the maximum sensitivity is described. According to the given technique by means of tested system various workers a condition are checked and on the basis of this data the three-dimensional surface of effective amplitude is under construction. If now to spend section a plane, which will correspond to the maximum sensitivity of system to turn out not closed curve. The area above a curve will correspond to a condition when conditions of electromagnetic compatibility are not executed, and below a curve the area of electromagnetic compatibility settles down. Analyzing frequency and amplitude parities the points which co-ordinates will correspond to these conditions turn out. In article are resulted the description of the given method, schedules and results of practical application are presented. Thus the offered technique allows quickly and to predict precisely EMC electronic systems.
Pages: 97-101
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