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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Synthesizing system for the analysis and suppression conducted electromagnetic interference of electronic systems
electromagnetic compatibility
conducted interference
electronic system
filter of electromagnetic interference
O.Y. Makarov, M.A. Romashchenko
For maintenance of requirements EMC is necessary for supervising and if necessary to limit level conducted interferences radiated by tested system in feeding chains. For this purpose it is necessary to know, in which frequency area are exceeded requirements of specifi-cations and standards. Further it is necessary to define the nature conducted interferences causing a deviation (common-mode or differential-mode). It is possible to consider as last stage directly calculation of the filter conducted EMI, an estimation of its theoretical efficiency and repeated testing of all system taking into account this filter. For the operative and automated performance of these actions the synthesising system described in article is offered. The system consists of the hardware and specialised software, and allows to spend all described steps for fast and effective suppression conducted interferences.
In article the hardware block diagramme is resulted, the basic points of the menu are described software. The highly effective selective chain which parametres are measured and resulted on corresponding schedules is applied to definition of type of a interferences. For acknowledgement of theoretical calculations, in article the practical application of the synthesising system which have allowed quickly and effectively to bring into accord requirements of standards level conducted EMI for the pulse power supply is described. All it allows to draw a conclusion on possibility of practical application of the offered synthesising system for the analysis and suppression conducted interferences in electronic systems.
Pages: 92-97
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