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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Test methods connections solder of surface mounted device on mechanical influences
I.A. Lozovoy, A.V. Turetsky, V.A. Shuvaev
Now among developers of electronic equipment CAD of the high level covering almost all aspects of creation of electronic equipment (design, the engineering analysis, technological preparation of production) use the increasing popularity. Thus such CAD provide high "associativity" of projects that allows to lower considerably temporary costs of development of equipment. Set use instead of them separate the narrowly specialized CAD of lower level at inevitable completions of equipment actually means repetitions of a cycle of design with numerous convertings of data from one software product in another.
Among such systems it is possible to allocate Pro/ENGINEER (nowadays Creo Parametric). She treats the "mechanical" CAD covering all design stages and preparations of production, including process 3D modeling, the engineering analysis and development of technology.
For the solution of a task of the engineering analysis of designs of device the Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica module can be used. He allows to carry out research of thermomechanical characteristics of projected products and their optimization on the set parameters. Unfortunately the Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica module doesn't allow to model process of violation of integrity of contact of solder con-nections of electronic components.
Reliability of solder connections depends on many factors: types of solder, modes of the soldering, types of cases of components, etc. For definition of conditions of violation of integrity of solder connections it is required to carry out large-scale tests which will give the maximum admissible depth of a deflection of a board at which there will be a contact violation as results for each type of a component.
Methods of testing of reliability of solder connections are regulated by the IEC-PAS 62137-3 standard. According to the specified standard it is recommended to make test boards from one or bilateral fiberglass, the size 40× 130 of mm. The tested component settles down in the middle of a test board. Also in a standard thermoprofiles of the soldering of components, for providing reliable the spy are recom-mended.
Board with a component subject to testing for a monotonous bend, a repeated bend, repeated blow and so forth. Thus supervise transitional resistance of contacts to the help of a measuring instrument of resistance which connect to a consecutive chain in which all conclusions of a tested component are included.
Pages: 76-80
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