350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of energy noiseless coding algorithms
A.V. Bashkirov, A.V. Muratov
This article analyzes the methods of the turbo-coding, in terms of hardware implementation. We analyze the parallel cascade block systematic code capable of correcting errors in the transmission of digital information over a communication channel with noise. The features of the soft estimates of symbols (probability were promoted likelihood values "0" and "1" code symbols) after the demo modulation increases the bandwidth of the specific informa tion channel between the encoder and decoder, and further increases the potential opportunities cial coding. The possibility of using soft decision decoding, which potentially reduces energy costs 1,6[dB] (Rc=0.5). The analysis of the widely used binary codes constructed from convolutional codes speed (with perforation), com sion decoding (measured by the number of operations of multiplication and addition) algorithm SOVA about twice less than the max-log-MAP algorithm. The complexity log-MAP algorithm is about twice as much than max-log-MAP algorithm. A brief analysis of the effective use of the systematic differences from the convolutional encoder algorithm Vitebri.
Pages: 67-70
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