350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The account of the directed properties of receving-transmitting aerials at computer modelling of electromagnetic conditions
A.D. Korobova, E.A. Chromych
The technique of computer modelling of electromagnetic conditions in groupings of radio-electronic means is added by an estimation of operative ranges of reception radio-electronic means on the core and not to the basic channels of reception. Operative ranges of re-ception radio-electronic means with the simultaneous account of the directed properties of aerials of receving-transmitting radio-electronic means are considered. On the basis of the developed software products estimations of zones of reception on the basic channel, the mirror channel and operative ranges of a blocking hindrance are spent. Examples of modelling of electromagnetic conditions in groupings of radio-electronic means with different kinds of the directed aerials are resulted.
Pages: 54-62
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