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Journal Radioengineering №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Construction of ultrashort pulses radiation model of the ultrawideband TEM-horn using finite-difference time-domain method
ultra-short pulses
finite-difference time-domain method
impulse response
energy pattern direction
A.M. Bobreshov, I.I. Meshcheryakov, G.K. Uskov, E.A. Rudnev, S.V. Shebashov
It is known, that frequency pattern directions do not allow to characterize completely the ultrawideband antenna in the mode of ultrashort pulses radiation. For the description of field spatial distribution the energy pattern directions are used. Also the estimation of the shape of an electromagnetic field in the far-field zone is necessary. These characteristics essentially depend on the shape of an input signal that is why are not universal. For construction of the radiation model, allowing to obtain energy pattern directions and the shape of a field in the far-field zone on an input signal, the set of impulse responses which are calculated in the set points of space is used. In article with use of model of the TEM-horn, constructed with the help of finite-difference time-domain method, calculation of impulse responses of the antenna is carried out. With use of the calculated radiation model computation of energy pattern directions and the field shape in a far-field zone is carried out.
Pages: 49-54
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