350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Statistical Characteristics of Space-Integrating Acousto-Optic Correlators
space-integrating acousto-optic correlator
acousto-optic cell
signal-to-noise ratio
dynamic range
D.O. Moskaletz
The space-integrating acousto-optic correlator based on optical interference (SIAOC-OI) allows to generate at its two outputs of the real and imaginary parts of the cross-correlation function between the input and the reference signals defined by coding transparency. This correlator can be seen as a matched filter, since it is invariant to the time of arrival of the signal. Quadrature radiofrequency space-integrating acousto-optic correlator (RFSIAOC) also provides at its two outputs of the real and imaginary parts of cross-correlation function between the input signal and the reference, is determined by the coding transparency. Optimization of operation SIAOC-OI under the impact of noise is present. A comparative analysis of statistical characteristics SIAOC-OI and RFSIAOC is described. The results of calculations are presented also.
Pages: 90-95
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