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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Wideband Acousto-Optic Processor for UHF Signals
A.B. Sergienko, V.N. Ushakov, A.N. Rogov
Signal environments nowadays are becoming increasingly complex. To more readily intercept, classify, and analyze wideband signals, additional receiver sophistication is required. In the paper, a hybrid acousto-opto-digital system for processing of such signals is described.
The heart of the processor is a two-dimensional quadrature radio-frequency time-integrating acousto-optic correlator with slanted light beams. Quadrature channel is implemented by using the second spatial axis. Such device can have a processing bandwidth up to 1 GHz. The correlator is complemented by a digital post-processor that performs nonlinear detection and provides spectrum information. Flexible distribution of processing between optical and digital units leads to a compact solution for detection and analysis of wideband spread-spectrum signals.
The following points are discussed: the general structure of the processor, active (deterministic signal detection) and passive (stochastic signal detection) operating modes, post-detector processing algorithms, possible values of sensitivity, dynamic range and frequency resolution. Experimental results obtained in the UHF range are also presented.
Pages: 79-85
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