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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Q Factor and Resonant Frequencies of Split Ring Resonators
A.A. Golovkov, S.V. Keis
Based on the theory of irregular-enabled line obtain an expression for the input conductance split ring resonator and its real and imaginary parts. Determined by the frequency of the lowest modes for serial and parallel resonances of this structure, as well as the slope of the imaginary component of the input conductance for the analysis Q factor of resonator, depending on the geometrical dimensions of the cavity. We explained dependence parameters of the resonator from the geometrical dimensions and increasing quality factor in comparison with a conventional half-wave resonator in coplanar line. The ways of further improving the resonator and the variants of bandpass filters based on them. We present experimental data confirming the obtained relations.
Pages: 57-62
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