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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Exploration Doppler Frequencies of Multipath Interference in Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
Yu.S. Yurchenko
The Doppler frequency shift of the multipath interference is realized in differential global navigation satellite system. The frequency property of the multipath error influences on effectiveness of filtration algorithm. A calculation is proposed to estimate the frequency shift according to ephemeris data and position of reflector relatively base or rover. Theoretically and experimentally it had found that spectral width of the multipath error depend on length of chip. Filtration algorithm reduces high frequencies of the multipath interference and, therefore, the multipath error dependence on chip length. Spectrums of the multipath error are presented which show action of carrier smoothing on signals C/A and Y.
Pages: 14-17
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