350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Problems of Reengineering for Antenna System Creation Business Processes at a Research Firm
E.A. Buzova
In the article business processes of a new equipment creation are analyzed, especially for antenna-feeder systems (AFS). As is shown, the process have necessarily iterative nature, and by a traditional organizational management of serial stage execution it will be unwarrantable extended and impeded, especially if different operations would be made by different firms. An essential intensification of creation processes for AFS and other high-tech systems can be reached by business process reengineering. As is shown, the base of reengineering is the firm-s innovation system creation. The functions of innovation system are defined, and main steps of it-s forming are formulated. At the new approach we can essentially decrease the realization period and reduce the costs due to any steps elimination and parallel execution of the works.
Pages: 78-81
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