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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Initial Calibration of Receiver Channels for Direction-Finding Complex:Problems and Technical Realization
S.E. Antipova, V.B. Bakeev, O.B. Goncharuk
In the article direction-finding complex intended for searching of space vehicles is viewed. It is shown that such a complex is an elaborate devise because of its high requirements for sensitivity, precision of direction-finding and speed of frequency-spatial scanning. Direction-finding complex includes multiple-unit circular antenna arrays (CAA) with a lot of receiving processing channels.
Factors affecting accuracy of space vehicles angular coordinates measurement are viewed. It is shown that a part of factors can be leveled only by use of preliminary calibration of both CAA in a whole and receiver channels in particular.
Goals and organization issues for following calibration procedures are viewed:
receiver channels initial calibration;
receiver channels etalon automatic calibration.
Receiver channels initial calibration is a procedure of changing and equalization of amplitude and phase characteristics of receiving channels all over direction-finding complex operation frequency range.
Receiver channels etalon automatic calibration is a procedure of changing of receiver channels current relative amplitude and phase characteristics according to etalon distribution data kept in the memory of direction-finding complex PC.
Technical realization possibility for receiver channels initial calibration procedure for direction-finding complex is viewed.
Initial calibration procedure is described and its algorithm is given.
Etalon automatic calibration procedure is described and its algorithm is given.
Some sources of errors under initial calibration were analyzed, results of calculation are viewed.
Pages: 56-64
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