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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive indemnification of hindrances of divisibility in synthesizers with phase autofrequency trim
a synthesizer of frequencies
a fractional divider
on-fur divisibility
delta-sigma the modulator
A.V. Lenshin, N.M. Tikhomirov, S.K. Romanov, M.N. Tikhomirov
For reduction of level of hindrances of divisibility in a low-frequency part of a spectrum of a signal of a synthesizer of frequencies as a part of fractional dividers of frequency with variable factor of division the scheme modulator delta-sigma in different updatings is used. Calculations of hindrances of divisibility in systems from fractional dividers of frequency with variable factor of division and delta-sigma the modulator on linear model show to pulse phase autofrequency trim high efficiency of application modulator delta-sigma. However in the field of high frequencies for broadband systems of pulse phase autofine tuning level of hindrances of divisibility has the great value is inadmissible. For elimination of this phenomenon it is offered to use special devices of indemnification of hindrances of divisibility: not adjusted and automatically adjusted.
In the present work automatically adjusted (adaptive) devices of indemnification of hindrances of divisibility are considered. These devices are insufficiently studied in the literature quoted above, therefore the basic attention is given definition of duration of transient at adaptation.
The expression allowing at completely known parametres adaptive pulse phase autofrequency trim to define time of transient at which deviations of a status of system from stationary value reach some "small" value set at designing of system is received.
The offered technique of definition of duration of transient of adaptation of indemnification of hindrances of divisibility assumes two stages: 1) synthesis of directly pulse phase autofrequency trim with what use or criteria of quality; 2) with use of the entered parametres of adaptive pulse phase autofrequency trim and the received formulas a finding of time of adaptation.
Pages: 74-79
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