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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Model of disputed interaction of control systems of the contradictory parties in the conditions of deliberate hindrances
Ju.L. Koziratsky, S.S. Kuschev, I.I. Chernuho, A.A. Dontsov
The analysis of military conflicts of last years shows, that the basis of conducting modern operations is made by steady functioning of control systems by armies. Logical will assume, that maintenance of steady and continuous management with armies and the weapon in the course of the conflict to the best, than at the opponent, operatively - tactical indicators, will be a priority problem for the armies.
By present time, questions of disputed interaction of the parties are widely enough considered, however with reference to dynamic change of ways of statement of hindrances, protection of the means, in the conditions of continuously varying general phonotarget conditions such problem, as a rule, dares with acceptance of some assumptions. For example, influence of the parties is considered, or failure (protection) of management are considered unilaterally. Namely dynamic change of a condition of the parties of participants of the conflict at mutual influence of systems of radio-electronic struggle represents unconditional interest from the point of view of forecasting of an outcome of probable collision, both at a planning stage, and at a stage of a direct antagonism.
The multilevel model of the information conflict containing on the one hand object of control systems by armies of the opponent, and, on the other hand, systems of direct radio-electronic investigation, maintenance of radio-electronic and fire defeat object of the opponent, including structural, dynamic, analytical models and supposing decomposition, on the basis of a principle of hierarchical conventions, on the private interconnected models of conflicts is offered.
Construction of conditional dynamic models of the conflict has allowed to reduce essentially space of conditions at the expense of representation of the general conflict in the form of strict hierarchy according to the general sequence of actions of the contradictory parties and consecutive formation of conditions of the lowest hierarches of conflicts of the higher.
As a result, are received the analytical expressions allowing at the task of entry conditions (likelihood characteristics of a finding of system in one of possible conditions, интенсивностей performance of problems of conflicting parties at various stages of the conflict) to receive probabilities of a prize of the parties by any moment of time t. And the variation of entry conditions will lead to possibility of research of phase trajectories of the conflict for the purpose of development of optimum strategy of one of the parties for superiority achievement in management.
Pages: 56-61
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