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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of the Analogue-Digital Converter with Signal Tracing
K.Kh. Gainulin, V.I. Shevernev
The task of creation an analog to digital converter with more ten of the bits, and keeping of speed of conversion as at flash analog to digital converter, it is actual for today. For increasing of the number of the bits, it won-t have the bigger quantity of the comparators, it is enough to feed references on them that they operate in the surroundings of the investigated signal with step is equal to the least bit. The speed the analog to digital converter depends on the speed of the changing reference levels and quantity of the comparators. The result is the code to establish value of the digital to analog converter on border between «0» and «1» values of the comparators. The changes of references of the comparator occur under the following rule. The comparator is having the most extreme value of operation concerning the investigated signal, take the nearest free value with the comparators. The concept at which the analog to digital converter for earlier prepares for the investigated signal, allow to reduce time of conversion to minimum. To check the concept at the minimum material cost and to reduce the time modeling is used. The modeling problem in this work is check realization the analog to digital converter with signal tracing. And also additional the elements are revealed which are necessary for creation of this model. At this model is created from the ideal elements, and the performance is estimated in the running cycles. Last years, the effective tool means of computer modeling are developed. Among them the tool of visual modeling SIMLINK which is a part of mathematical package MATLAB is most popular. The modeling the analog to digital converter with signal tracing was produced by this software. The experiment with model has shown working capacity of the accepted scheme the analog to digital converter with signal tracing, both in a tracing mode and in a mode of search of signal. During experiment the following parameters of the analog to digital converter have been obtained at duration of cycle 1 us: the time of conversion 1us, the maximum speed of tracing of a signal in operating is equal of 3906V/S, speed of search of signal is equal of 11765,25V/S, at the maximum speed makes an error less 1bit.
Pages: 50-54
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