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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Signal Processing on the Base of Correlation Method in Radio Frequency Identification System with SAW Tags
V.F. Dmitriev
The results of signal processing on the base of correlation method in the radio frequency identification system with surface acoustic waves devices, intended for using in the broad range of temperatures are presented. The design of SAW tag for forming the coded signals and its physicist-mathematical model, as well as method of calculation on the base of method of coupling modes are offered. The tags as SAW device is performed with the using of nanotechnologies. Each tag are forming two coded sequences. The first one with fixed codes consists of 16 impulses with four positions. This sequence used for the measuring of temperature. The second part of sequence are used for identification of tag and consists of 24 impulses with four position. Operating frequency was 860 MHz and the type of used codes are pseudorandom. The impulse responses of tags has formed by reflective array in the forms of grooves by 40 nm depth on the surfaces of LiNbO3. Experimental measurements had performed in the temperature range from -500С up to +700С and had confirm the possibility of tags identification on the base of developed method and algorithms. The algorithm of processing signals for deciding a problem of warm-up distortion coded pulsed response of SAW tag are suggested. The results of modeling and experimental investigations are discussed.
Pages: 25-35
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