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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Work Out the Methods of a Calculation Time-and-Frequency Probability Components of Detection Signals by Electronic Support Measure Set
Electronic Support Measure (ESM) Set
a radar
probability of detection
frequency reorganisation
an observation interval
a bombarding radiation interval
S.A. Mochalov
In paper the methods of a calculation time-and-frequency probability components of detection signals of radar by Electronic Support Measure (ESM) Set are considered. The known methodical apparatus is analysed and the new analytical forms are gained, allowing to count time-and-frequency component of probability detection signals of a radar with frequency reorganisation under linear and casual laws for any time of observation. The approach consisting in an estimation of probability of coincidence of casual periodic sequences was thus used.
Cases when the beginning of observation ESM coincides with the beginning of bombarding radiation a radar and when the observation interval is casually had on a timebase are observed. Schedules of dependence of probability of time-and-frequency detection signals of a radar from a time of observation for the observed cases which testify to working capacity of the offered methods are gained. It is shown that at the determined rule of an interval of observation for a radar with any law of reorganisation of frequency the given dependences have step character a radar with frequency reorganisation under the linear law. It speaks the termination of growth of probability of detection of signals each period scanning a radar when duration of an interval of observation exceeds duration of an interval of bombarding radiation. At a casual rule of an interval of observation step character of dependences smoothes out.
Also a method for calculation the impact of time-and-frequency component to the resulting probability of detection signals. It is shown that exists interval of angle of observation of the diagramme of antenna at which product of power and time-and-frequency components probabilities and should be considered as much as possible, this product at an estimation of probability of detection of signals ESM.
The leading-out is drawn on usability of the offered methods for an estimation of efficiency of ESM, with search and unsearch set methods of detection signals.
Pages: 4-8
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