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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinearity Compensation Algorithm of Voltage-Frequency Characteristic of the VCO in Simple LFMCW Radars
P.A. Badanin, K.K. Petrov, S.V. Chub
The rapid development of solid-state microwave technologies, as well as digital components allows to create compact radar sensors, low cost of which provide their wide application in various complexes for military and civil purposes. Typical examples of application are:
homing, tanks defense systems, low altitudes aircraft altimeters - in the military field;
mooring systems, automotive radars, accurate technological level sensors of bulk materials, oil products and reactive fluids in the production - in the civil field.
The most common in hardware terms are autodyne radar sensors. Thanks to the non-contact and high accuracy perform of a variety of measurements they have found wide application in the systems of short-range radar and communication on transport, in technological processes, special equipment and scientific research. Simple structure, and hence low cost, small size and reliability of autodyne radar sensors provides a way to build their high-frequency part, in which the function of the heterodyne receiver and transmitter of microwave radiation combines the autodyne Gunn diode oscillator.
This article is devoted to the linearization of the modulation characteristics of radar sensors with autodyne direct-conversion to study the maximum attainable resolution in range.
Pages: 80-84
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