350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Design and Analysis of High Resolution Targets Imaging Algorithm of Satellite for Ground-Based Coherent Radar
V.M. Orlov, V.Yu. Shustikov, Yu.S. Nefedova, S.I. Nefedov
The main problem in inverse synthesis radar algorithms is absence of aprioristic data about motion parameters of its movement. These parameters can be defined with necessary accuracy only from location data received in the course of supervision that essentially complicates a problem. In a number of works as researchers variety of methods of definition of radial speed and radial acceleration of the observable purposes flying on a rectilinear trajectory is offered. As a rule, they are based on consecutive measurement of characteristics range portrait of the observable purpose, changing in the course of supervision and construction of the filters adapting on phase attack, caused in the radial speed and acceleration. According to the specified works similar algorithms show good enough results, however there are questions of applicability of these methods for construction of radio images of artificial companions of the Earth.
The basic problems arising at work of similar algorithms, usually named «autofocusing» or «moving compensation», are their sensitivity to purpose maneuver, to fluctuations of the reflected signal, the caused change of angular orientation of the observable purpose to radar and their noise stability. In article the mathematical model reflected from objects of the signals moving on various trajectories, considering the fluctuations caused by change of reflective characteristics of objects at their sounding by a wide-band modulation is described.
In article results of researches of algorithms of moving compensation and the exact phase adjustment, constructed on the basis of known techniques, such as correlation and entropy method, a method of contrast optimization for definition radially accelerations and a method on the basis of mathematical apparatus of transformation of Radon are presented. Researches of the works of the given algorithms were conducted at various trajectories of the observable purposes, at essential dynamics of change of reflective characteristics, in changing noise to conditions.
In article the constructed modeling radar-tracking images of objects of the various form observed land coherent РЛС of different function are resulted.
Pages: 65-73
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