350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Electrodynamic Method of Analysis of Open Metal-Comb Structures
A.V. Ostankov, V.I. Youdin
To analyze the diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a metal-dielectric periodic comb proposed electrodynamic method based on the classical scheme of allocation of sub-domain simulation and comb blades grooves zero depth, followed by algebraization system of functional equations by a single Fourier expansion. Application of the method has solved the problem of diffraction by a comb structure with a modified form of the cavities of the coordinate profile and reduce the solution to a system of linear algebraic equations with simple coefficients. A solution is obtained for a two-tier configuration, the period of the comb, which makes it possible to simulate a comb covered with a dielectric layer with a T-, Г-, П- or Ш-shaped grooves, able to channel the primary wave types with orthogonal linear polarization. The developed model is suitable not only for analysis but also for the constructive synthesis of the radiating aperture antennas implemented on the basis of two-level structures. Model adequacy and accuracy of the results obtained on its basis are confirmed experimentally. The model can be used, including, for the analysis-synthesis structures, the rectangular waveguide cavity are characterized by an impedance «bottom».
Pages: 31-38
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