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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Complex Methods of Maintenance of Electromagnetic Compatibility and Noise Immunity
of Electronic Systems at Through Designing
O.Y. Makarov, M.A. Romashchenko, D.A. Verevkin
The essence of complex methods of designing consists in the account of all restrictions and criteria of an optimality at each design stage and complete representation of a finished article by each of developers taking part on all cycle of designing. In a context of maintenance EMC and noise immunity the given problem should begin with a circuit stage device workings out. After the termination of design works and manufacturing of a pre-production model it is checked on conformity to requirements of standard documents in area EMC and noise immunity. Such approach very often leads to problems with performance of requirements EMC and noise immunity which are found out too late. Usually achievement to norms EMC and noise immunity manages to be executed expensive corrections thus not always the optimum. Cardinal processing of parts of a design in certain cases is required that considerably raises cost research and development work and increases terms of reception of a pre-production model. At the complex approach to designing methods and ways of maintenance of integrity of a signal, electromagnetic compatibility and noise stability in advance are provided, optimum and economically effective decision thus can be quite chosen. Also additional requirements of maintenance of ecological compatibility of used ways are if necessary considered. Such complex through approach to designing allows to consider the requirements shown to a product, at early conceptual and design stages of working out. Complex through designing generally should consider requirements of ergonomics, maintenance of functional characteristics, EMC and noise immunity, maintenance of a thermal mode, and also economic, aesthetic and ecological requirements. It most prominent aspects of designing which should be considered since early stages of working out of devices and electronic means.
At the optimum designing based on the complex through approach taking into account requirements EMC and noise immunity, it is necessary to consider and apply following points by working out and manufacture of an electronic product: standard documents and requirements in area EMC and noise immunity, the analysis and the decision of problems EMC and noise immunity at early design stages, taking into account of requirements EMC and noise immunity at a choice of element base, maintenance of requirements EMC and noise immunity by working out of the PCB, use of spending cases as an effective way of maintenance EMC and noise immunity, application of spending linings and universal consolidations for electromagnetic shielding, aspiration to provide EMC and noise immunity at the least cost, a choice of a correct material for optimum shielding.
Through designing means performance of complex requirements of maintenance of optimum working out of a product throughout all cycle of designing. Concerning problems of maintenance EMC and noise immunity, generally, it is possible to allocate following levels of hierarchy such, as element base, the PCB, the module or the functional block, the case or a rack, connecting wires, and also the software. For each such level there are various methods of maintenance EMC and noise immunity which should get out proceeding from features of operation, a design, types and frequency ranges electromagnetic and conducted interference, to presence of other criteria.
Pages: 22-27
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