350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Time estimation of message delivery of the system «Gonets» in various ways to build satellite constellation
D.V. Shevchuck
In work is put(deliver)ed following problem: value time of delivery of the messages by system «Gonec» under different variant of the building of the orbital group.
Under time of delivery of the message is understood time, for which will are created condition for issue of the message by sender and his(its) deliveries addressee regardless of their mutual position.
For achievement put(deliver)ed purposes shall enter the following admissions and restrictions:
1. They are Considered following variants of the building of the orbital group: 8 KA, 12 KA, 12 KA with one and two KA-ретрансляторами, 48 KA.
2. At determination of the zones радиовидимости KA corner of the place is taken 10, influence of the relief to terrain and антропогенных object on spreading радиоволн is not taken into account;
3. The Necessities time communication link for issue (acceptance) of the message does not exceed 2 minutes, time of the issue of the message between base station is not taken into account.
For each of variant of the building of the orbital group is organized estimation of delivery of the messages by system «Gonec» in the following mode:
1. The direct issue.
2. The issue of the message through base station (BS).
3. The mode vrapprochement KA to addressee.
Methods of the calculation of time of delivery of the messages is brought in work when use of simulation modeling and results calculation under different building of the orbital group.
In total practicability of the building of the orbital group is determined with KA-transponders, located on geostationary orbit.
Pages: 127-130
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- Электронный ресурс http://www.federalspace.ru/main.php-id=2&nid=19307
- Электронный ресурс http://kinegin.com/ref1/sput/loworb.htm
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- Электронный ресурс http://www.gonets.ru/Page165.html