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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Method for task solution of target assignment of interference multibeam station
O.N. Neplyuev
The purpose of the paper to develop the method of task solution for target assignment of interference multibeam station, taking into account particularities of structure and functioning of the given station. In connection with limited possibilities on resources of interference multibeam station (IMBS) (channels ) the problem arises for choice from all the objects of suppression on the IMBS responsibility zone determined its set, assignment for suppression of which provided the maximum of efficiency for IMBS application. In existing methods for given task solution, the decomposition in produced on task of matrix formation for assignment and formation task on the basis of assignment matrix for guidance parameters on the target that doesn-t allow it to take into account peculiarities of the structure and IMBS functioning and as a consequence, not in all cases provides the optimum solution. In the paper the method of task solution for target assignment for suppression of interference of multibeam station, taking into account its peculiarities of the structure and functioning. Under peculiarities of its structure and IMBS functioning is realized as following: power dependency on IMBS radiated interference from the amount of suppression directions; dependency of the width of partial directional diagram (PDD) and gain factor of antenna system for IMBS in the given direction of suppression from its deviation from the bisector of the sector of simultaneous work and from carrier frequency of interference; discrete location of PDD in SSW; influence of time delay of IMBS jamming. The considered task for IMBS target assignment in presented as optimization task and is concluded in finding the matrix of target assignment for suppression of interference multibeam station providing maximum effecting of IMBS application taking into account the parameters of spatial position of SSW. Expression are given providing the calculation of meaning factor for efficiency of the organized analysis result estimations to efficiency of IMBS application, taking into account peculiarities of the IMBS structure and functioning the mathematical expectation of the number of suppressed targets weighted by importance. The task for target assignment of IMBS in classified as a task of mathematical programming with mixed variables (matrix for target assignment of IMBS- integer) but parameters of spatial position of SSW IMBS are continues values. Estimation analysis for efficiency of IMBS application is given taking into account or without peculiarities of IMBS structure and functioning. Conclusion is made about advantages of the proposed method and provision at its realization of substantial efficiency increase for IMBS application.
Pages: 73-77
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