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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Development of method of antenna radiation pattern reconstruction from measurements on a sparse grid of points in Fresnel region
I.L.Vilenko, Yu.V.Krivosheev, A.K.Tobolev, A.V.Shishlov
The paper describes development history of method of antenna radiation pattern reconstruction from measurements on a sparse grid of points in Fresnel region. According to this method, antenna far field pattern in a desired section can be reconstructed from measurements of field amplitude and phase in Fresnel region in several sections, spacing between the sections being much larger than half-wavelength. Compared to classical near field measurement techniques, this approach allows to significantly reduce the amount of measurements due to decrease of angular sector for measurements and increase of spacing between field samples. Mathematical background of the method is considered. In particular, the relationships based on two-dimensional Fourier series expansion of exponential of phase function and relationships obtained by field interpolation in Fresnel region using sampling theorem and integration of equivalent currents, are given.
Pages: 47-53
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