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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The air targets recognition-s at the aviation radars under the prolonged coherent signals processing
O.V. Vasilyev, A.V. Bogdanov, R.A. Potapov, A.S. Sitnikov
Potentials of air radar-tracking systems on a problem solving of recognition of air targets are spotted by parameters of the reflected radar signal and system capabilities on their handling and the analysis. The given parameters are characterized by a relative intensity and allocation on temporary and frequency axes of the informative component signal, and also their statistical performances. In this case it is possible to speak about the informational properties of a signal and their agency on quality of the solution of this or that problem of recognition. The most informative and inconvertible at recognition of class and types of the purposes are the drive indications of secondary radiation originating in the course of reflexion of signals from rotating configuration items of air targets: blades of propellers, propellers, blades of compressors and turbines etc. Generally the method of radar recognition of air targets is spotted by following factors: the working dictionary of indications; the working alphabet of class-rooms of recognition; algorithms of signal processing in interests of their classification; solving rules at recognition of air targets; used indexes of efficiency. The solution and optimization of a problem of a select of the dictionary of signal and trajectory indications of classification owing to its complexity in overwhelming majority of cases is solved heuristically. However the working dictionary of indications spots the alphabet of class-rooms and, as consequence, detail and reliability of recognition. For the solution of a problem of radar recognition determination of a rational size and a composition of the alphabet of class-rooms for each of algorithms of classification of signals is necessary. According to a known postulate of the theory of recognition at the given character space reduction of number of class-rooms leads to reduction of recognition errors and, on the contrary, at magnification of number of class-rooms of system of recognition for maintenance of the given reliability it is necessary to dilate the dictionary of indications. In too time the extension of character space is interfaced to exponential magnification of expended computing resources on which enough stringent restrictions are in actual practice superimposed.
Pages: 131-136
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