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Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Employment of airborne electronic warfare means composite modeling principles
V.A. Androsov, V.D. Sofiysky, S.A. Filyazov, Y.M. Shabatura
To assess a jam impact on an aircraft or aircraft formation some combined simulation models should be used which are based upon several models each simulating a jamming impact on certain electronic system or device. Possible problems to combine models containing different data should be prevented if the current phase coordinates should be used as a basic approach to identify the target since the phase coordinates are really reliable and universal characteristics. That kind of data usually is a result of statistical processing of the target current phase coordinates and corresponding indications during a detailed digital modeling. To calculate current phase coordinates a spline should be built in the zone of section of current phase coordinates indications corresponding with the results of detailed digital modeling. Two basic types of particular models using data bases are to be employed to simulate a jam impact on electronic devices. First of them to reproduce process of outset and following the signal in the second stage of processing of the object information using a discrete phase coordinates data base; the second one to represent a homing of a guided missile utilizing the continuous phase coordinates data base. A mathematical description of primary function of the jamming capabilities system providing its structure and parametric optimization was used to evaluate the end effect of selected jam employment. The combined simulation accounts every correlation and impact of jams on electronic devices or their mutual influence. An expected effectiveness of a selected jamming reflects the jam impact on the airborne aircraft in the given radio and electronic situation. The basic principles of composite modeling are as follows: - joining in a single program the simulations of jam impact on different radio and electronic systems based upon a common method of generating interference signals utilizing phase coordinates data bases; - creating phase coordinates data bases using digital models having maximum achievable details to gain the greater reliability of simulations outcome.
Pages: 119-123
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