350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms interferometry processing the SAR signal for moving objects identification
synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
interferometry processing
for moving objects identification
M.I. Babokin, O.E. Chvetkov
Mathematical models for describing reflected and accepted signals from the moving object and moving state-s estimation algoritms for SAR are presented.
SAR signal model was obtained in simple form, which can use for numerical modeling, synthesis algoritms estimation and this tested.
To obtain algoritms estimation with respect to moving state-s, the local Gaussian approximation was used. Thus the non-linear filtration problem was reduced to the problem of quasi-linear filtration.
Results of experimental realization of the proposed algoritms are presented. These results of SAR signal processing confirm efficiency of the obtained algoritms.
Pages: 87-92
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