350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Modeling Research of a Noise Stability of the Device Realizing Unbounded FM-Receiving
A.M. Karlov, Е.V. Volhonskaу, Е.V. Korotey
The analysis of a noise stability of the FM-receiving device is carried out in this paper. As a criterion of noise stability the probability of a bit error was used. Presence or absence of an error in data transmission over a communication channel was traced by the definition of quantity of pulses and their duration in modulating and target sequences. To find an average estimation of probability of a bit error a series from 100 machine experiments (210 pulses in each sequence) has been spent. The received modelling curve gives the underestimated values of probability of a bit error in cases of week and strong signal and a little overestimated values - in intermediate area because of impossibility of the account of some types of errors within the limits of the offered approach. However, as a whole, the comparison of modelling and theoretical curves has shown the sufficient convergence of theoretical and modelling results that confirms a theoretical noise stability of the device.
Pages: 28-30
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