350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Methods of Assessing the Reliability of Alarm Detection Geographically Distributed Sensors
A.Ya. Ryabets, K.N. Feshchuk
One of the problematic issues of the alarm sensors is the prediction of their areas of sensitivity on the scale of the microrelief terrain. The questions of development of appropriate geoinformative models were examined supra in the "Radio engineering" journal. For these, the methodology of assessing the reliability of disturbed alarm detection sensor is worked out. To choose the rational options of sensors two indications were selected - probability of detection and time to false alarm. Based on the data gained during the pilot studies and modeling of the sensor zones the following main regulations are laid down. The application of models and methods of geoinformation modeling can significantly improve the reliability of the alarm sensors. Based on the methodology the best balance between probability of detection and false alarm is achieved.
Pages: 9-11
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