350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of Inclusion of Reconstructed Microwave Filters on YIG-Resonators in Amplifier-Converting Channels
S.P. Brovchenko, G.G. Galustov, D.V. Mirvoda, I.V. Sidko
The comparative analysis of noise parameters of three variants of amplifier-соnverting channels with the reconstructed filter on YIG-resonators is presented. It is shown that the inclusion of a tunable filter with large losses in the passband and most preferably after microwave low-noise amplifier. To reduce the noise temperature at the inlet tract is proposed to introduce an additional microwave amplifier, inserted between the tunable filter and a broadband mixer section. A choise of a noise level for amplifier in addition installed after the reconstructed filter are resulted.
Pages: 99-103
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